Our Story

 In 2020, we have all been witness to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Masks have quickly become one of our key allies in fending off this invisible predator. 

The creators of Mask Leash noticed early on in the crisis an important drawback to traditional face masks. What to do with your mask when not in use.

We’ve all seen it and/or experienced the problem firsthand. Masks hanging haphazardly off one ear, stretched tight under the chin, dropped, lost, forgotten, shoved in a purse, pocket, backpack, or worse yet...set down on a common/public surfaces to spread or pick up germs thus worsening the crisis.

Problem solved with Mask Leash! Now your mask can be easily incorporated into your everyday life.

Safety and superior quality are Mask Leash’s top priorities.

We are a woman-owned business. Our patent pending product is manufactured in the USA. It is made with premium caliber components, professionally assembled to deliver an exceptionally comfortable wearing experience. Don’t let our comfort fool you, Mask Leash’s durable fabric and long-lasting refined components will have you boasting to all your family and friends about this essential functional fashion accessory, that is truly a lifesaver!

Please join us in arming yourself to reduce germ transfer opportunities by having your mask readily available to don and doff in an instant by virtually touching only the ear loops of your mask.